Friday, April 22, 2011

Types with Thrashing Of Skin Tissue

How to treat scarring and skin damages resulted from acne is of great concern to patients with moderate to severe acne. Failed or inadequate treatment of acne is a major cause in development of scarring

Acne spots:

Flat discolorations either brown or red.They are more likely to fade away either gradually without treatment or using fading creams. Post inflammatory pigmentations are classified in the same category. Blocks of pink hyperpigmentations seen following skin breakouts and more likely prolonged acne.

Ice-pick lesions, rolling scars, box car scars: they all associated with some degree of depression in the skin but the shape of the scar within the skin is different. For icepick scars the depression is in the form of a triangle with an opening <2mm. While for boxcar scars with an opening between 1-4mm. This shape is more or less a cube. For rolling scars the opening and the bottom tend to be larger> 4mm. They may be superficial or deep, fairly linear but irregular and generally turn out on the cheeks. These lesions are variably resistant to the treatments and the more penetrating they are the longer it takes to be healed totally. Acne lesions can lead to ice pick scars.

Depressed fibrotic scars:

They present as large with sharp margins and steep sides. Their base is rigid, white and can not be stretched. They may result from severe lesions such as cystic and nodular forms of acne. Read more on depressed scars and their management.

Atrophic scar macules:

This type of lesions manifest as soft, distensible, ivory-white in color and small in size (few millimeter in diameter). Acne is recurrently associated with atrophic scars. Acne scars are result of improper deposition of collagen and elastin and insufficient wound repair process. Lining epithelium is not flat and atrophic but hyperplastic.

Healing them involves inducement of the skin's repair mechanisms and rebuilding elastin and other fibers. Overall they have a good prognosis. They do not expand in size or number over time. However, aging has an adverse effect on acne caused scarring and render them more pronounced.

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