Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Here are some tips on curing your acne

Wash: This sounds easy, but a lot of people forget to do it. No matter how tired you are, or what time of the night/morning you make it home, make sure that you wash your face. This is always the first step to make sure that you are clearing the unwanted residue from your day. Think of it this way, washing your face twice a day will help to keep the acne away (clever, I know.)Spa alana provides the best facials

Topical Ointments:  Instead of using an intense acne cleanser or acne lotions all over your face, why not make it easy and use a specialty treatment? Often it is the people with acne that have sensitive skin and the most specific needs.  If you are using a scrub to try and get rid of your acne on the sensitive areas that don’t have acne; you are probably going to break out and harm the skin more. Try and use a topical ‘medicine’ to unblock the pores and kill the bacteria’s. Use things such as Benzyl Peroxide, Salicylic Acid, and Glycolic acid to help unblock the pores and to remove bacteria on the skin. Apply these topical ointments directly on the skin. Down the road you will be able to use a serum, which helps to even out the pigmentation of your skin. This will help when there are whiteheads or blackheads.
 Serums: For a case of bad acne, I don’t think it is necessary to over-moisturize your skin. Instead of using a cream, try using a serum based moisturizer, that won’t clog your pores. This serum will also be used to penetrate into your skin without leaving your skin feeling oily. Every time, I break out, I switch to a serum moisturizer and it really helps.

Masks: Lastly, try every so often to use a hydrating mask. If you following these steps, which I give you definite kudos if you are, using a hydrating mask will help once a week. The specialty products may dry out your skin a wee bit, so the once a week mask while help vitalize your skin and give it the moisture it may be lacking.

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