Monday, March 7, 2011

Forehead Acne Treatment....

Acne is a common skin disorder and hence, every person has to deal with it, at some point of his life. Acne is scientifically known as acne vulgaris. It is caused when the skin pores get blocked with either the dead skin cells or excessive oil secretion. Various causes of acne lead to different types of acne.

Due to the variety in its causes, one can experience acne onslaught anywhere on his entire body, which makes it all the more annoying and disturbing. Forehead acne is one such thing that many people have to come across. Many people experience the trouble of forehead acne, with pain and its ugly appearance. Before learning how to get rid of forehead acne, we must firstly concentrate on the things that cause the forehead acne.

Forehead Acne healing

After knowing what causes forehead acne, the next obvious question is how to get rid of forehead acne? Well, there are a few best acne treatments that work equally great for treating the forehead acne. One of the best ways to get rid of forehead acne is to use a few home treatments for acne. If you are suffering from acne on forehead due to dandruff, then getting rid of the dandruff should be your main concern. There are a few home remedies for dandruff, to help you in getting rid of the dandruff.

Secondly, you should also work towards unclogging the skin pores. It is a good way of acne prevention. The best way to do so is to cleanse the skin with a good quality cleanser. It would be further more better, if you take hot water steam on your face. After taking adequate amount of steam, scrub off the face with a gentle facial scrub. After you wash off the scrub, make sure you apply a toner on the skin. Never forget to repeat this procedure at least thrice a day. Read on acne treatment at home as well.

You can also use some homemade acne masks for acne treatment and acne prevention. There are various natural skin care products, which are easily available at your home. For instance, the sandalwood paste and the black gram paste! Mix equal amounts of sandalwood paste and black gram paste in rose water and add a hint of turmeric into it. Mix it well and then apply it on the face. Let this face mask dry completely and then wash it off with lukewarm water. This face mask is also very useful for acne scar removal.

1 comment:

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