Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Piercings: How to avoid complication

Piercings could be more general than ever, but don't take piercing flippantly. Know the risk and understand basic safety measures and aftercare steps.

As of ears to lips to bellybuttons, piercings are popular and simple to get. Still, don't let the easiness of receiving piercings stop you from doing your research. Piercings take risks and can cause complication. The decision you make now — such as where you get the sharp and how you care for the piercing — can help you prevent infection and speed the healing process.

Be familiar with the risks

A piercing is the placing of jewels into an opening made in the ear, nose, eyebrow, lip, tongue or other part of the body — frequently devoid of anesthetics. Though earlobe piercing is normally less risky than other body piercings, any type of piercing poses a risk of disease and other complications. Specific risks include:

* Allergic reactions. Some piercing jewelry — particularly pieces made of nickel — can cause allergic reactions.

* Oral complications. Jewelry worn in tongue piercings can chip and crack your teeth and damage your gums. Tongue swelling after a new piercing can block your throat and airway.

* Skin infections. A skin infection — characterized by redness, swelling, pain and a pus-like discharge — is possible within a few days to weeks after a piercing.

* Other skin problems. Body piercing can lead to scars and keloids — raised areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue.

* Blood borne diseases. If the equipment used to do the piercing is contaminated with infected blood, you can contract various blood borne diseases, including hepatitis B, hepatitis C, tetanus and HIV — the virus that causes AIDS.

* Tearing or trauma. Jewelry can get caught and torn out accidentally. Such trauma may require stitches or surgical repair.

Medication or other treatment may be needed if you develop an allergic reaction, infection or other skin problem. In some cases, the piercing may need to be removed.

Take good care of your piercing

The skin around a new piercing may be slightly swollen, red and tender for a few days. The site may even bleed slightly. As the piercing heals, white or yellow fluid may drain and form a slight crust on the jewelry. To prevent infection and to encourage healing, take good care of your piercing:

* Clean oral piercings with mouthwash. If you pierced your tongue, lip or cheek, rinse with an antibacterial, alcohol-free mouth rinse or a packaged sterile saline solution for 30 to 60 seconds after each meal and before you go to bed. Brush your teeth with a new, soft-bristled toothbrush to avoid introducing bacteria into your mouth.

* Clean skin piercings with antibacterial soap. If you pierced your skin, clean the site with antibacterial soap once or twice a day. Be sure to wash your hands before cleaning your piercing. Remove any crusting with a cotton swab. Avoid alcohol and peroxide, which can dry the skin. Also avoid ointments, which keep oxygen from reaching the piercing.

* Don't fiddle with your piercings. Don't touch a new piercing or twist the jewelry unless you're cleaning it. Keep clothing away from the piercing, too. Excessive rubbing or friction can irritate your skin and delay healing.

* Keep the jewelry in place. Most piercings heal within about six weeks, but some types may take several months or longer to heal. If you want to maintain the piercing, leave the jewelry in place during this time to keep the hole from closing. After the piercing heals, you may see an indentation, hole or scarred tissue when you remove the jewelry.

If you think your piercing may be infected or you're concerned that your piercing isn't healing properly, contact your doctor. Prompt treatment can help prevent potentially serious complications.

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